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Doggie Daycare/ Overnight Boarding is not meant for all dogs. This is why Bed n Biscuit Inn would recommend a "Meet and Greet". Due to saftey concerns, if your dog does not meet our criteria during the process of the interview, we will not be able to accomodate him or her. We would LOVE to meet you and your dog.
- Kennel Contract
- Medical Release Form
- Senior Medical Release Form for those pets 10 years old and over
You may Check in or Check out
- 7:00am-12:00pm
- or 4pm-8pm
Check out is 11:00am- after 12pm a $12 (per dog) daycare charge will apply.
Overnight check-in and check-out (7 pm- 7 am) can be arranged 7 days a week for a $20 fee.
Deposits will be forfeited if reservations are not cancelled 14 days prior to check in during holidays.
All canine guests must be vaccinated for Rabies, DHLPP (every 3 years), and Bordetella (annually). Bordetella is an intranasal vaccine that should be administered at minimum 7 days prior to boarding. All feline guests must be vaccinated for FVRCP and Rabies. Please provide us with copies of your vaccination records or have your vet email them to us @ Info@bednbiscuitinn.net
Meals and Medications
Our guests receive 2 individually prepared meals each day. We are happy to accommodate special feeding instructions. It is best for your dog's health to maintain a consistent diet, so we recommend you bring an adequate supply of your dog's own food. Alternatively, we feed our guests high quality dog and cat food. We charge $4 per day/ per pet if you would like us to feed them. If your dog is taking prescription medication, we ask that you bring written instructions for administration. Please speak with your vet if you have a very nervous or smaller dog. They can give you ideas as to how to minimize stress that may cause vomiting and diarrhea.
We look forward to taking care of your Beloved pet- Please reach out if you have any questions.